Help Heal Families Around the World
… and help them multiply disciples

$150,000 is needed by 10/31/2023 to translate and provide critical resources!

Families in every nation and every culture are experiencing difficulty, even tragedy. But everywhere we turn, God is turning tragedy into triumph and tears into praise, as these hurting souls are coming to Christ through FamilyLife®️ resources.

And those who’ve experienced this transformation simply can’t keep it to themselves. All around the world, they are multiplying disciples in country after country.

Right now, spiritual hunger is at a fever pitch on an international level—our field staff are desperately requesting translations into dozens of new languages. God has given us a tremendous opportunity to reach millions more for Him.

And YOU have a unique opportunity to help.

$150,000 is needed by 10/31/2023 to meet the overwhelming demand for FamilyLife resources translated into dozens of new languages. Will you help?

Your gift will support continued training, translated resources, and tools to reach families in 103 countries. You’ll be helping families around the world receive the vital resources they need in their very own heart language.

Jesus tells us: “Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together.”

Please give what you can today; people around the world are waiting.

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