You can help build twice as many godly marriages and families!

This year has been incredibly challenging for blended families. As social and economic unrest spread, the number of families searching for practical guidance and support has skyrocketed.

And while we don’t have all the answers, FamilyLife does have the love and hope of Jesus and biblical tools to build strong families and restore broken relationships.

But families can’t find this help without you.

Your giving creates and provides these life-giving resources to families across the world.

Resources like:

  • Blended & Blessed Live Event and Livestream, a unique one-day marriage enrichment outreach for couples in blended families, churches, small groups in the U.S. and around the world..
  • An entire website full of practical, easy-to-use resources to train and equip like-minded families on mission to transform their neighborhoods and communities.
  • The FamilyLife Blended Podcast where Ron Deal delivers a relevant, real-world outlook with a biblical perspective, packed full of encouragement for those in stepfamilies and those who know them.

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