Reach People Who’ve Never Heard the Gospel

Your support is greatly needed to bring the gospel and God’s plan for families to people living in some of the hardest-to-reach places on earth. These include countries and cultures that are openly hostile to Christianity.

With your help, we’ve made headway in sensitive places all over the world. And the response has been amazing. But there’s much work still to be done.

Your support today will help to expand our outreach into the most popular languages of the world, in places where Christians are few and raising resources locally is nearly impossible. Your generous gift will help fund:

  • Weekend to Remember® events
  • Homebuilders® Bible studies
  • Training manuals for pastors and couples
  • More strategies to reach into other language groups

Your generous gift will touch the lives of families who’ve never heard the gospel. Please be as generous as possible.

Thank you and God bless you!

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