Help Save Families––
and Get a Special Gift for Yours!

You can make a difference for struggling families today––and receive a blessing for your own family as well!

For your gift of $50 or more today, we’d like to thank you with a copy of FamilyLife’s brand new resource, the Vertical Marriage small group study guide.

Vertical Marriage small group study guide revolves around five key conversations that will help you look vertically to God instead of casting your eyes on the things (and spouse problems!) of this world. Accompanied by short, insightful videos, it’s honest, practical and funny.

We are praying this token of thanks will encourage you, once again, to give a special gift to deliver biblical help to struggling families. Because when you do, you don’t just touch one couple “here and there” … you often create ripples in a pond that touch multitudes.

One couple just wrote, “[We] are happily married today because of The Art of Marriage. In year 16 of our marriage, it was almost over and by God’s grace we had a divine stumble into The Art of Marriage. Now in year 24 of marriage we are loving God and each other like never before. We have hosted 6 Art of Marriage events, taken about 25 couples to Weekend to Remember getaways, lead HomeBuilders® groups, and utilized many other FamilyLife resources.”

Will you reach out to make this ripple effect again? Your gift of $25, $50 or even more will bless families with help for today and hope for tomorrow that is biblical, practical and doable!Again, as a thank you for a gift of $50 or more you will receive the brand new Vertical Marriage small group study guide.

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