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Thank you for subscribing to our daily prayer reminder emails for parents, grandparents, or anyone who cares about the children in their life.
Beginning tomorrow, you’ll receive a reminder and devotional insight each day to pray for your child.
It’s our mission to equip and encourage parents and guardians to do the best job they can in raising God’s children.
We know that the family is the very best way to share the Gospel. But to allow God’s Word to go out, we must first strengthen and equip our families to be Christ-centered. There are thousands of parents and families who turn to FamilyLife every single day for the biblical support they need to build healthy homes.
But we can’t do this critically important work alone. We must depend on faithful supporters, like you, who believe in our mission as well.
Would you consider helping us reach more parents with practical and biblical tools and resources just like the daily prayer challenge emails by making a financial gift to FamilyLife today?
Now is an especially crucial time for FamilyLife, as our fiscal year is coming to a close and ends on August 31.
The stronger our financial position as we close out this fiscal year, the better poised we will be to meet the needs of parents and families in the year ahead.
Will you give a special year-end gift today to help us provide biblical hope and help to families in need? You can give using the secure form below.
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