The Toxic War on Masculinity
In recent times, headlines such as “Why Can’t We Hate Men?” and hashtags like #KillAllMen have gained attention, along with books that express negative sentiments toward males. The Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes explores the emergence of an ideology that condemns masculinity as dangerous and harmful.
Renowned author Nancy Pearcey, takes readers on a journey through American history to uncover how the secular concept of masculinity has taken a toxic turn and suggests ways to address it. Contrary to popular stereotypes, studies reveal that men who attend church regularly (particularly evangelical Christian men) exhibit more positive family behaviors, including lower divorce rates and, remarkably, the lowest rate of domestic violence in America. These sociological findings challenge preconceived notions and emphasize the potential of classic Christianity to counter toxic behaviors and promote gender reconciliation, offering an evidence-based perspective to challenge prevailing ideologies.
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