Special $225,000 Giving Opportunity

Deadline: June 30

The Moreaus’ marriage was like a runaway roller coaster, out of control. Brian and Julie didn’t protect their kids from their constant fits of rage. Their children were always right in the middle of it with their parents screaming at each other.

We hear tragic stories like the Moreaus’ all too often. Families need help now more than ever. Couples need to hear God’s Word as they seek answers to the tough questions in life:

  • How does a marriage stay strong?
  • How do we raise happy, healthy children?
  • How do we grow together spiritually?

For three years, we have been developing a new, “refreshed” Weekend to Remember® and dreaming of how this powerful tool will reach younger generations of married couples and families.

In February, we launched the new marriage getaway – but in only half of our locations. We need just $225,000 by June 30 to roll it out to ALL getaways this fall!

FamilyLife has always been about helping families grow together in oneness AND impact others around them. One-third of guests who attend a Weekend to Remember make significant spiritual-life decisions. To impact the culture for Christ, we must help couples continue to grow after the event and equip them to share their decisions with others, taking the Great Commission into their neighborhoods and the world.

With your help, it WILL happen! Will you give generously today?

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