Fast from Screen-Time

Are you addicted to your phone? Do you find yourself engaging online but unengaged at home with the people right in front of you?

In the pattern of her popular 40-Day Sugar Fast, Wendy Speake offers you The 40-Day Social Media Fast. This “screen sabbatical” is designed to help you become fully conscious of your dependence on social media so you can purposefully unplug from screens and plug into real life with the help of a very real God.

Here at FamilyLife, our mission is to share biblically sound truth and practical resources that every home can use to pursue the relationships that matter most. But we can’t do this alone. Would you join us in our mission?

You could provide the help needed to restore a broken marriage or strengthen a family.

When you make a gift today, not only will you receive a copy of 40-Day Social Media Fast, but your gift will be used to reach families in critical need. Your generous gift will go directly towards helping to launch these new outreaches…

  • Launching an Updated FamilyLife App — Enabling “shareable” audio and video content. Imagine the increased impact when powerful content can be shared with a “click”!
  • Self Guided Couples Experiences — With limits on capacity for live events, we’re developing virtual couples experiences to help couples move from isolation to oneness.
  • Content for Digital Small Groups — Unique resources are being created in a special format to encourage digital small groups and provide married couples with 24/7 access to biblical help and hope.
  • And ultimately, bringing more people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ through increased evangelism and discipleship in local communities.

Will you make a difference for families seeking God’s unchanging truths by making a generous gift today?

Use the secure form below to get started.

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