You can be the difference!
We are praying for our nation and for you during these very uncertain times. We don’t know exactly what you are dealing with right now, but please know that we are praying for you as a trusted friend to FamilyLife. And we are thanking God for those who are working on the front lines and working tirelessly to keep us safe.
Many families around the globe right now are wrestling with significant emotions like isolation, panic, grief, and even mourning of what could or should have been. Maybe you’re there yourself. Amidst being homebound, some are feeling more desperate than ever.
FamilyLife wants them to know about the Healer for far more than a pandemic. One of the ways that is being done, is through FamilyLife Today®, our flagship radio broadcast. In fact, right now our radio programs are reaching over 1.1 million listeners each week. That’s 21% more than the same period last year! But even with the increase in listeners, funding for this vital outreach has seen a significant decline.
Thousands are searching for hope, every day. And thanks to friends like you, FamilyLife has been able to provide resources with biblically-sound, trustworthy advice.
Could you step forward and prayerfully and financially support the efforts of bringing help to families so they can find the hope of Christ?
Your $50 gift directly benefits 35 more families–bringing more wholeness, and the answers they need most.
Will you help us reach more people with a gift to help keep FamilyLife Today on the air?