Help Draw Families Closer to God

Your support today will be a blessing to struggling families, helping to equip them and draw them closer to God.  When you partner with FamilyLife, you allow God to work through you to help families like those featured in this newsletter with Bible-based resources that speak truth and bring restoration.

Whatever you can give today will go a long way to:

  • Increase the number of Weekend to Remember® getaway attendees to 62,500.
  • Reach 1 million people with FamilyLife’s Art of Parenting™ in the next 3 years.
  • Translate Art of Parenting into Mandarin, the most-spoken language in the world.
  • Share the truth of the gospel with each person who encounters FamilyLife ministry!

Together, we will be able to reach more people than ever before with the life-changing hope of the gospel. Thank you for your faithful support, and for standing with us to make every home a godly home.

Thank you and God bless you!

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