Meeting Needs to Relieve Suffering and Reveal Hope

We know you care about the people in Puerto Rico and ask that you pray for them as they begin to rebuild their lives. FamilyLife is partnering with fellow Cru ministry, Unto™ (formerly Global Aid Network®) and now you have an opportunity to provide help and hope to those who have been affected by the recent earthquakes. You can help fund an entire shipping container of critically needed supplies that will help victims of natural disaster, supplying immediate aid for the displaced and then helping them rebuild their lives. When aid is delivered by trained ministry teams, relationships are built, and at the proper time conversations about the eternal hope of Jesus can take place.

More than 2,000 people are in shelters, 1 million are without power, hundreds of thousands are without water, and much of the infrastructure has been severely damaged. Many people fear injury from their damaged homes and are sleeping outdoors.

The container includes essentials like tarps for emergency shelter, meals for hungry families, and water filters that supply safe, clean water when water sources are compromised. The amount needed to resource, ship, and distribute these life-saving necessities is $27,000.

Consider a gift today to support the Disaster Relief Initiative through Unto and meet people at their point of need with crucial supplies when emergencies hit.

Thank you for expressing the kindness of Jesus through humanitarian aid – many people will be helped because of your generosity.

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