
Goal: $3,000,000

Give Families the Gift of Together and Double Your Impact by Dec 31!

On January 1, families in your neighborhood will wake up feeling alone, stressed, and hopeless. Husbands and wives will consider giving up, leaving their children questioning the future of their families.

52 Weeks in the Word

For some people, Christmas and the new year are full of joy and new beginnings. But for others, heavy heartaches, miscommunications, and financial stressors feel like they’re looming around the corner.

That’s why it is critical we give families the gift of together through relatable, gospel-saturated resources, life-changing events, and a network of local guides to encourage and equip couples struggling with the challenges pulling them apart.

Families need hope. They need accessible, relatable resources to bridge the gap between pain and healing so the new year brings wholeness instead of brokenness.

Your recurring year-end gift today will bridge that gap by:

  • Translating our brand new Art of Marriage®️ resource into three of the most spoken languages in the world: Mandarin, Spanish, and Arabic!
  • Launching FamilyLife Equip, a free platform full of discipleship tools and biblical resources for individuals and families who want to impact their community.
  • Creating biblical video and audio resources to reach more generations and backgrounds, such as The Real Life Loading... podcast for young adults and practical YouTube “first step” videos for beginning a relationship with Jesus.
  • Ensuring FamilyLife is always bringing hope-filled resources and events to you and your family.

And if you act now, your gift will be matched, dollar for dollar, doubling your impact and the number of families you’ll help.

With your generous monthly gift, we’ll send you our holiday bundle of 52 Weeks in the Word by Trillia J. Newbell and the NEW Conversation Cards for Families! Danielle, a recent reviewer of the devotional said, “It gives you room to write about what you read and room to write a prayer if you want. Love it! This would be a great gift as well.”

This powerful devotional will deepen your faith and strengthen your spirit in 2024. And these cards with a conversational twist will deepen your relationships through creative questions while playing your favorite classic card games.

Please make your matching gift using the secure form below to give the gift of together to twice as many families.

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