Help struggling parents find biblical answers through Real Parent Life™!

All around us are moms and dads who are just “winging it” at parenting. They feel ill-equipped, regularly second-guess themselves, and wonder if they’re getting it right.

Real Parent Life™ is exactly what these moms and dads need. Each resource pack comes complete with:

  • A Real Parent Life booklet filled with helpful articles and guidance
  • 14 encouragement cards to direct moms to helpful truths about parenting
  • A dry-erase refrigerator magnet
  • Word art
  • A surprise gift for mom
  • Access to online parenting resources

Now, a wonderful new opportunity has come up to reach 5,000 families this summer through one of the largest child evangelism organizations. Every summer, they minister to children all around the country through their vacation bible school curriculum. We are excited to partner with them, and you can help!

Your generous support today will help us to raise $50,000 by May 31, to supply this organization with Real Parent Life packs to give to participating families. 

What a great way to connect struggling parents to much-needed answers … and to introduce them to their Heavenly Father who loves them. At just $10 per pack, imagine how many families you can impact. 

Please give generously today!

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