Help Strengthen Pastoral Marriages
Pastors spend countless hours in stressful situations—counseling struggling couples, comforting the sick and dying, praying with bereaved families. They’re always on duty. They spend hours upon hours studying, preparing sermons, and sharing the gospel in their community.

But the stressors pastors face take a huge toll on them and their families. Many of their marriages are struggling and running on empty. And who can they turn to for help?
They can turn to you!
FamilyLife®️ offers pastors and their spouses scholarships to attend Weekend to Remember®️ getaways. But most simply can’t afford to come.
YOUR generosity can make it happen.
Our scholarship fund for Weekend to Remember sessions is almost entirely depleted. Without your help, hundreds of pastors and spouses whose marriages need refreshing will simply be unable to come.
Will you help them? $50,000 is needed to provide scholarships for all pastor couples who want to come but can’t afford it.
Our hearts go out to these pastors who sacrifice so much for their ministries and congregations.
Your gifts can offer them hope and renewal. They can save a marriage, impact a church, and even have an eternal impact on God’s kingdom.
Please help pastor couples be renewed with your gift today!
Use the secure form below to get started.