
You are now enrolled in FamilyLife’s Art of Parenting™ Free Online Course on Discipline.

Before you start your free online course (which will arrive in your inbox shortly), there’s a few things we’d like you to know…

  • This online course is made possible and free because of the generous support of people who believe in our mission. Isn’t that incredible? 
  • FamilyLife is donor-funded. This means that we rely on the support of people like you to make resources like this online course, free, and to equip couples as they strengthen their marriages and families. 
  • We want millions of people to be able to access this invaluable content to parent their children in a godly way for years to come.
  • In order to reach those people with this message of hope, they have to hear about the course first.   Will you help us get this course into the hands of more people? 

Your gift of $50 will allow 36 more parents to sign up for this online course.

Don’t hesitate, make your gift today using the secure form below.

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