Freedom Starts Today
Is an addiction you’re struggling with hurting your home? Addiction can feel like a never-ending cycle. In Freedom Starts Today, John Elmore explores his past experience with addiction and shows you how to break the cycle of addiction, make war against sin, and find your identity in who you are and not the shame of what you have done–one day at a time.
We want you to have this incredible resource so you can experience the VICTORY Christ has won for you over addiction. Or offer it to a friend who desperately needs to hear this truth to overcome the obstacles in their path to find the road toward healing.
When you make a gift, not only will you receive a copy of Freedom Starts Today, but your gift will be used to reach families in critical need. Your generosity could help provide biblical resources to restore a broken marriage or strengthen a family with the hope of Christ. Those Christ sets free are “free indeed.” (John 8:36). Use the secure form below to make your gift and get your book.