Get 52 Weeks in the Word for an easy way to read through the entire Bible

As believers, we know that the Bible reveals God’s plan for our lives, but when we only read some of it, we miss out on the promises and insights we need to face the challenges ahead.

While there are plenty of Bible reading plans and devotionals out there, many end up just being one more thing to do rather than an opportunity to experience joy and delight in God’s presence.

In 52 Weeks in the Word, bestselling author Trillia Newbell invites you on a joy-filled, thoughtful, and realistic journey through the entirety of God’s Word. Reading through the Bible in a year doesn’t need to be a daunting task. This book provides a well-organized reading plan, offering 52 reflections- (one for each week), prayer prompts, built-in rest days, and space for personal reflection.

This devotional is not just a book; it’s a journey towards a deeper understanding of God’s Word so that you can…

  • Uncover new treasures within the Scriptures
  • Receive practical guidance for your daily life
  • Cultivate a deep, abiding relationship with the God who loves you

Andrea, a recent Amazon reviewer, said, “What a wonderful companion to walk through the Bible with…The art and format is absolutely beautiful and moves me to engage in the Word in deeper ways this year!

When you make a gift today, you will receive a copy of 52 Weeks in the Word. Your gift will also reach other families in critical need, drawing more people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ through increased evangelism and discipleship in local communities.

The goal of this book isn’t to check an item off the to-do list or win a prize; it’s a journey of growing more in love with Jesus as you learn more about Him. Use the secure form below to make your gift and receive your copy of 52 Weeks in the Word.

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