Great news! Your free tips for romancing your spouse are on their way. We are encouraged that you’ve taken this step towards greater intimacy with your spouse.

While you wait for your tips to arrive, there are three important pieces of information for you to know:

  1. In just a few minutes, you will receive an e-mail with a copy of the 15 Tips to Romance Your Spouse. You can read them online or print them out. Intimacy is a huge part of growing together in your marriage and we hope these help it flourish.
  2. This helpful resource is free because of the generosity of people who believe in our mission. FamilyLife is a donor-funded ministry. That means generous people just like you have made this resource possible through their donations to our ministry.
  3. We are so glad that you have a desire to grow in your marriage and relationship with your spouse. We are dedicated to helping your marriage succeed. In addition to the 15 Tips to Romance Your Spouse, we want to offer you a resource called Rekindling the Romance, by Dennis and Barbara Rainey, that has helped hundreds of couples learn to reignite the flame in their marriage. This book provides practical insights to help you unlock relational and sexual intimacy. You can get this helpful book when you give a gift of any amount today!

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